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At sea on our way to Thailand.


Sailing into the Gulf of Thailand



At sea
There is a navigation option on the TV in the room - like on an aircraft - that displays the route and gives latitude and longitude 
but Google Maps is (graphically) more informative.


There's seldom a dull moment on the ship for those who like to be entertained, be beautified, exercise or gamble.

Or, if you don't care about skin cancer, you could join the hundreds, many getting horribly sun-burnt, out on the upper deck.  One can also sit in a bar - with the semi-permanent inhabitants - but some can get a bit rowdy.

Alternatively, there are pleasantly quiet places, to read or to play games.


Mid-ships atrium and treeThe library is behind the (real) tree - a nice place to sit and read.
The games room is below it - Mahjong anybody?


The stateroom balcony

Of course there is always the 'stateroom' balcony - very pleasant - with the ocean swishing by


We like the trivia competitions. Yet, against teams of 8 or 9, we generally fall short, unless we join with a quiz grandmaster (rain man/woman), as happened occasionally on previous cruises.

It's seldom ignominious, except for sport (don't even bother) and that music quiz that featured Disney tunes and their matching animated movie and performer. I think we got 'Frozen' and 'Snow White', but who sang them?   And what were all those others? Where does one hear this muzak?  Obviously parents and grandparents get exposed to animated movies but how do they remember the music; or who sang the song?  Yet one of the LBGTQIA+ group, aced it!  Grandchildren??


The ship's full-time musicians and singers provide backing to guest entertainers.
There is a new guest performance in the theatre every night, repeated once the same night.
This guy could do a very plausible 
Roy Orbison, as well several others of that vintage.
But he moved a bit too much to be the real Roy.




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In October 2012 flew to India and Nepal with Thai International and so had stopovers in Bangkok in both directions. On our way we had a few days to have a look around.

Read more: Thailand

Fiction, Recollections & News

Announcing Leander


(Born Wednesday 14 May 2014 at 5:23 AM, 3.3 kg 53 cm)


Marvellous.  Emily, my eldest daughter, has given birth to my first natural Grandchild (I have three step-grandchildren).  She and Guido have named him Leander.  Mother and child are well.

Read more: Announcing Leander

Opinions and Philosophy

Gambling – an Australian way of life



The stereotypical Australian is a sports lover and a gambler.  Social analysis supports this stereotype.  In Australia most forms of gambling are legal; including gambling on sport.  Australians are said to lose more money (around $1,000 per person per year) at gambling than any other society.  In addition we, in common with other societies, gamble in many less obvious ways.

In recent weeks the Australian preoccupation with gambling has been in the headlines in Australia on more than one level. 

Read more: Gambling – an Australian way of life

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