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Kaosiung City

That evening we reached Kaosiung City the second largest city in Taiwan. It’s much more industrial and down-to earth than Taipei.  There is a pleasant riverside walk with coffee shops along the Love River that provided a relaxing respite from constant travel.



By now we were becoming acclimatised, so being set loose to find our own food for dinner in the night markets was fine.  We found a dumpling place adjacent to the local park and watched the locals go about their evening wanderings. 

The following morning it was up again early to set out for the southernmost tip of the island where there is, obviously, a lighthouse.  On the way, to my distress, we failed to go past the heavy engineering of the City such as the steelworks and shipbuilding and passed one of the nuclear power stations at high speed.


One of Taiwan's nuclear powerstations - the two brown containment vessles to the right




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October 2009





In summary


India was amazing. It was just as I had been told, read, seen on TV and so on but quite different to what I expected; a physical experience (noise, reactions of and interactions with people, smells and other sensations) rather than an intellectual appreciation.

Read more: India

Fiction, Recollections & News

Peter Storey McKie



My brother, Peter, is dead. 

One of his body's cells turned rogue and multiplied, bypassing his body's defences. The tumour grew and began to spread to other organs.  Radiation stabilised the tumour's growth but by then he was too weak for chemo-therapy, which might have stemmed the spreading cells.

He was 'made comfortable' thanks to a poppy grown in Tasmania, and thus his unique intelligence faded away when his brain ceased to function on Sunday, 22nd May 2022.

I visited him in the hospital before he died.  Over the past decade we had seldom spoken. Yet he now told me that he often visited my website. I had suspected this because from time to time he would send e-mail messages, critical of things I had said. That was about the only way we kept in touch since the death of his daughter Kate (Catherine). That poppy again.  

Read more: Peter Storey McKie

Opinions and Philosophy

The demise of books and newspapers



Most commentators expect that traditional print media will be replaced in the very near future by electronic devices similar to the Kindle, pads and phones.  Some believe, as a consequence, that the very utility of traditional books and media will change irrevocably as our ability to appreciate them changes.  At least one of them is profoundly unsettled by this prospect; that he argues is already under way. 

Read more: The demise of books and newspapers

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