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Here we are on St Thomas, US Virgin Islands.

Once a Danish possession, it was purchased by the United States in 1917 as a base for the navy, during WW1.

This was the first time we had Wi-Fi since embarking because we economised on the ship's 'extras'.  Other passengers have been complaining about it. When do people not complain about Wi-Fi?  But I think we may have been taught a lesson - it's hard to do without.

St Thomas was previously Danish so, like Denmark did long ago, they drive on the left.  Yet, as in the US, the cars here are left-hand drive.  It's a reverse of taking an English car to the Continent or in Myanmar where they drive right-hand drive cars, from Japan, on the right.

It's strangely disorienting, and not very safe.

It's a small island and not a big job to reverse the traffic lights.  On September 3, 1967 the whole of Sweden, road tunnels and all, switched sides overnight.  Even Myanmar switched overnight (the wrong way).  Yet something about the US psyche resists change. They can't go metric either.  

The island seems idyllic but it was far too hot.  While Wendy shopped, I just had to find a bar and sit in front of the fan, drinking pina coladas ?.

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In October 2012 flew to India and Nepal with Thai International and so had stopovers in Bangkok in both directions. On our way we had a few days to have a look around.

Read more: Thailand

Fiction, Recollections & News

Stace and Hall family histories


The following family history relates to my daughter Emily and her mother Brenda.  It was compiled by my niece Sara Stace, Emily’s first cousin, from family records that were principally collected by Corinne Stace, their Grandmother, but with many contributions from family members.  I have posted it here to ensure that all this work is not lost in some bottom draw.  This has been vindicated by a large number of interested readers worldwide.

The copyright for this article, including images, resides with Sara Stace. 

Thus in respect of this article only, the copyright statement on this website should be read substituting the words 'Sarah Stace' for the words 'website owner'.

Sara made the original document as a PDF and due to the conversion process some formatting differs from the original.  Further, some of the originally posted content has been withdrawn,  modified or corrected following requests and comments by family members.  






Stace and Hall family histories

Read more: Stace and Hall family histories

Opinions and Philosophy

The Origin of Life - according to God




Back in April 2013 I had another visit from our neighbourhood Jehovah's Witnesses,  a pretty young woman and her husband, recently married.   Like Daniel (mentioned elsewhere on this website) before them, they had brought copies of The Watchtower and Awake; which I agreed to read if they were prepared to read my paper: The Prospect of Eternal Life.

I keep a couple of copies of The Prospect of Eternal Life for just such occasions and have also given a copy to the local Anglican minister and to various other active proselytisers in the area; with similar conditions.  Of course I know it will not change their position but I do like to have the debate and amazingly so do they; it beats the usual reception they get; and they get some practice in trying to convert un-believers. 

When the couple asked my position I quickly summarised that in The Prospect of Eternal Life

Read more: The Origin of Life - according to God

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