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Miami Beach(s) is(are) on the ocean side of a 20 mile long series of islands, separated from the mainland by Biscayne Bay. A series of causeways provides access, from the city, by car or local bus.


We took a local bus, allowing us the opportunity to get a better look around. The way over was interesting. Various cruise ships have a provisioning base here and there are many marinas and private pleasure craft, as well as container handling facilities. There's lot's of money being made.

There's an historic area at South Beach that's been saved from the high-rise development and is preserved as a 'special architectural zone', featuring the art-deco architectural style: 'The Art Deco Historic District'.

According to the website: "The styles of the 1920s and 1930s remain vibrant in the Art Deco Historic District in Miami Beach, home to the nation’s largest concentration of the sleek and bright architectural style. The district, which has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1979, contains some 800 designated historic buildings, though some of them represent other modern architectural styles from different eras of Miami’s history."

At the rather grey beach there was little or no surf and most people sun-baked - deliberately. The air was hot, humid and oppressive. I unbuttoned my shirt - the closest I was prepared to get to joining the prevailing skin-fest. 

We spent another day in Miami, wining and dining and so on, before calling an Uber to drive to Fort Lauderdale.

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In the footsteps of Marco Polo





Travels in Central Asia


In June 2018 we travelled to China before joining an organised tour in Central Asia that, except for a sojourn in the mountains of Tajikistan, followed in the footsteps of Marco Polo along the Great Silk Road. 

Read more: In the footsteps of Marco Polo

Fiction, Recollections & News

To Catch a Thief

(or the case of the missing bra)




It's the summer of 2010; the warm nights are heavy with the scent of star jasmine; sleeping bodies glisten with perspiration; draped, as modestly requires, under a thin white sheet.  A light breeze provides intermittent comfort as it wafts fitfully through the open front door. 

Yet we lie unperturbed.   To enter the premises a nocturnal visitor bent on larceny, or perhaps an opportunistic dalliance, must wend their way past our parked cars and evade a motion detecting flood-light on the veranda before confronting locked, barred doors securing the front and rear entrances to the house.

Yet things are going missing. Not watches or wallets; laptops or phones; but clothes:  "Did you put both my socks in the wash?"  "Where's my black and white striped shirt?" "I seem to be missing several pairs of underpants!"

Read more: To Catch a Thief

Opinions and Philosophy

The Carbon Tax

  2 July 2012



I’ve been following the debate on the Carbon Tax on this site since it began (try putting 'carbon' into the search box).

Now the tax is in place and soon its impact on our economy will become apparent.

There are two technical aims:

    1. to reduce the energy intensiveness of Australian businesses and households;
    2. to encourage the introduction of technology that is less carbon intensive.

Read more: The Carbon Tax

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