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The Hertz office happens to be at the Fairmont, Banff Springs.

This turns out to be, unexpectedly, relevant to me and my successors, as, after getting out their Canadian photo album after the trip, it turns out that my parents were here, at this hotel in 1943.

I'm not sure if they stayed here but there's a picture of my mother leaning against an archway here and two photos of the hotel at a distance, taken by my father. 

They were newly married and living in Calgary at the time and as the album reveals, came to Banff when my father was on leave from the Royal Air Force, Empire Air Training Scheme, where he was a flying instructor.

My mother became pregnant but lost the baby in Canada. This exact history is how I came to be born; when I was; how I came to live in Australia; and how my children and grandchildren exist at all.

Under the Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS) tens of thousands aircrew were trained to fight in Europe. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc recruited suitable young men to undertake elementary training, after which promising candidates were sent to Canada for advanced training, before being deployed to the UK.

Like Australia, Canada was, at the time, a Dominion of the British Empire. Canada also had suitable training space, beyond the range of enemy aircraft, as well as excellent climatic conditions for flying. It was also adjacent to American industry and had its own aircraft building capacity. Unlike Australia, it was close enough to Britain to quickly transport men and aircraft, using established North Atlantic shipping lanes.

As a result, my parents met many Australians and liked them.

Then, in Canada, my father suffered a second back injury, when another aircraft smashed into his on the runway. He'd previously been injured in a combat related a 'prang' in England. This second injury, which plagued him for the rest of his life, caused my parents to look for a warmer climate, and Australia here we came.

I knew they had been to Banff. Yet, I was not aware of the importance of this place to my very existence when we came here.

It was thanks to Hertz that we discovered that the Fairmont has an excellent coffee shop, open to the public. So, it was from yet a different hotel in Banff, that we all came here again, after our trip up to Jasper.


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More Silk Road Adventures - The Caucasus




Having, in several trips, followed the Silk Road from Xian and Urumqi in China across Tajikistan and Uzbekistan our next visit had to be to the Caucuses.  So in May 2019 we purchased an organised tour to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia from ExPat Explore.  If this is all that interests you you might want to skip straight to Azerbaijan. Click here...

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Fiction, Recollections & News

Announcing Leander


(Born Wednesday 14 May 2014 at 5:23 AM, 3.3 kg 53 cm)


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Opinions and Philosophy

More nuclear medicine




As a follow-up to my radiation treatment for prostate cancer, that I reported here as: Medical fun and games, I recently underwent a PET scan, to check that all is well. 

When I first heard of them I imagined that a PET scan was a more generic all-encompassing version of a CAT scan - perhaps one involving dogs and rabbits; or even goldfish?

Read more: More nuclear medicine

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