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The Cars

The cars have become a Cuban icon.  Unlike the buildings they are owned and cared for.  Virtually none blow smoke and many have obvious new features; like disk brakes and mag-wheels. 




The upholstery has generally been replaced at least once and I suspect that many of the engines may also have been updated. Some have bodywork that is the worse for wear while others have immaculate paintwork; but none that I saw was in ‘original condition’.  The owners are often Afro-Cuban and run a private enterprise cab service in competition with the government cabs. 




The Government cabs are run a bit like a bus service with government drivers.  They are mainly Škodas but are not either new or in good condition.  I got the impression that the last purchase probably dated from the collapse of communism in the Czech Republic. There is a scale of fares based on distance and no meters.  $3 to $5 is typical around Havana; $20 out to the airport.  Tipping is not required.

There is also a system of Tourist buses.  These are very good air-conditioned Chinese built coaches but as is generally the case in Cuba not everything is working on them. 




Again the staff are State employees; although they seem to be running a number of small commercial businesses ‘on the side’. These include roadside trading in meat and other rural products, presumably for restaurants or shops in town, as well as the transportation of ‘off the book’ passengers.

We made one long bus journey across and down the island to Trinidad where we stayed the night in a traditional house that has been converted to provide several large bedrooms; with en-suite bathrooms. The landlady-proprietor was enthusiastic but disappointed that we were not staying longer and wanted to eat out.  She turned the electricity in the rooms off during the day.  Ours contained a fridge used as a table that remained unplugged throughout our stay.




It was very hot and when we finally turned on the ancient air-conditioner to cool the room down at night it didn’t work. There was exposed electrical wiring in the bathroom including an outlet in the shower!  But in Cuba ‘do it yourself’ is a way of life.  On the plus side we saw some for the countryside; passed through several other towns and had the best restaurant meal in Cuba at a charming converted house in Trinidad.



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Egypt, Syria and Jordan




In October 2010 we travelled to three countries in the Middle East: Egypt; Syria and Jordan. While in Egypt we took a Nile cruise, effectively an organised tour package complete with guide, but otherwise we travelled independently: by cab; rental car (in Jordan); bus; train and plane.

On the way there we had stopovers in London and Budapest to visit friends.

The impact on me was to reassert the depth, complexity and colour of this seminal part of our history and civilisation. In particular this is the cauldron in which Judaism, Christianity and Islam were created, together with much of our science, language and mathematics.

Read more: Egypt, Syria and Jordan

Fiction, Recollections & News

Peter Storey McKie



My brother, Peter, is dead. 

One of his body's cells turned rogue and multiplied, bypassing his body's defences. The tumour grew and began to spread to other organs.  Radiation stabilised the tumour's growth but by then he was too weak for chemo-therapy, which might have stemmed the spreading cells.

He was 'made comfortable' thanks to a poppy grown in Tasmania, and thus his unique intelligence faded away when his brain ceased to function on Sunday, 22nd May 2022.

I visited him in the hospital before he died.  Over the past decade we had seldom spoken. Yet he now told me that he often visited my website. I had suspected this because from time to time he would send e-mail messages, critical of things I had said. That was about the only way we kept in touch since the death of his daughter Kate (Catherine). That poppy again.  

Read more: Peter Storey McKie

Opinions and Philosophy

World Population – again and again



David Attenborough hit the headlines yet again in 15 May 2009 with an opinion piece in New Scientist. This is a quotation:


‘He has become a patron of the Optimum Population Trust, a think tank on population growth and environment with a scary website showing the global population as it grows. "For the past 20 years I've never had any doubt that the source of the Earth's ills is overpopulation. I can't go on saying this sort of thing and then fail to put my head above the parapet."


There are nearly three times as many people on the planet as when Attenborough started making television programmes in the 1950s - a fact that has convinced him that if we don't find a solution to our population problems, nature will:
"Other horrible factors will come along and fix it, like mass starvation."


Bob Hawke said something similar on the program Elders with Andrew Denton:


Read more: World Population – again and again

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