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Nuclear Technology



There are presently 617 power reactors in 31 countries.   It is a mature and reliable technology and 116 older reactors have already safely completed their working life.  In general these were small machines employing old technology. The oldest Calder Hall at Seascale, Cumbria, England achieved criticality in January, 1956.  But the bulk of them, like the failed older plant at Fukushima, commenced construction in the 1960's and early 1970's.


Status Net generating capacity (MWe) Number of Reactors
Operating 372,791 441
Under construction 52,615 56
Shut down 38,476 116
Not operating 2,568 4
Grand Total 466,450 617



Most of us today would be dubious about boarding a Mk1 De Havilland Comet.  But that several of these crashed due to metal fatigue did not put an end to jet airliners.  We can easily distinguish various aircraft types and are generally happy with the recent technology despite the occasional crash.  We accept the very high levels of sophistication required to avoid more frequent disasters. 

But few it seems are able to distinguish one nuclear reactor technology from another. 

There are at least six broad technologies in current commercial use and each has variations depending on age and builder.

All fission reactors employ neutrons slowed-down by a moderator.  When slowed these combine with the nucleus of a heavy element such as uranium or plutonium to destabilise it.  The destabilised nucleus splits and releases further neutrons and heat.  These new neutrons are in turn slowed to result in further combinations with more heavy nuclei; and hence establish a 'chain reaction'.   

Most reactors operating in the world today employ at high pressure water as a moderator to slow the neutrons.  The high pressure water has a high boiling temperature and can be used in a heat exchanger to make steam in a secondary loop to drive turbines to make electricity.  High pressure reactors do not normally allow boiling to take place within the high pressure stage.  As a result they have a built in safety factor in that if the water in the reactor boils, due to pressure collapse or excessive heat; for example if the secondary cooling fails, moderation reduces and the reactor turns itself down.   

In addition, fission reactors are typically controlled by means of control rods containing neutron absorbing materials like: silver; indium; cadmium; boron; cobalt and hafnium; these are lowered into, or raised from, the core containing the fuel, to optimise reactor performance.


Cruas Nuclear Power Station
Cruas Nuclear Power Station in France 
Comprising four pressurized water reactors of 900 MW each - totalling 3600 MW 
Just three such plants would replace all the remaining coal-burning generation in NSW


Some older water based reactors, like Fukushima 1 to 4, were not of this pressurised design.  They are designed to produce steam directly to run the turbines; boiling the water within the reactor. 

When fully inserted the control rods stop the chain reaction.  But as we have seen at Fukushima, it can be some time before all heat generation stops and without cooling or replacement, the water in the reactor is at risk of boiling away; resulting in a potential 'meltdown'.  This did not happen to the two newer reactors (5&6) at Fukushima that were subjected to the same events.

Some other older designs like the reactor at Three Mile Island and in the old Eastern Block, like Chernobyl, use graphite as an additional moderator so that less enriched uranium could be used as fuel but these get rapidly hotter if the cooling water boils away and graphite has proven to be an additional fire/explosion risk if the reactor goes critical. 

Yet other designs use a different fluid in the primary heat loop such as molten sodium metal.  Some new designs, that are inherently meltdown immune, use pelletised fuel to heat gas that can be used to power a gas turbine.

For a more in-depth discussion of the Fukushima situation follow this link


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More Silk Road Adventures - The Caucasus




Having, in several trips, followed the Silk Road from Xian and Urumqi in China across Tajikistan and Uzbekistan our next visit had to be to the Caucuses.  So in May 2019 we purchased an organised tour to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia from ExPat Explore.  If this is all that interests you you might want to skip straight to Azerbaijan. Click here...

Read more: More Silk Road Adventures - The Caucasus

Fiction, Recollections & News

Australia Day according to ChatGPT


I've long been interested in the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). It's a central theme in my fictional writing (The Cloud and The Craft) and is discussed in my essay to my children 'The Meaning of Life' (1997-2017). So, I've recently been exploring the capabilities of ChatGPT.

As today, 26 January 2024, is Australia Day, I asked ChatGPT to: 'write 1000 words about Australia Day date'.  In a few minutes (I read each as it arrived) I had four, quite different, versions. Each took around 18 seconds to generate. This is the result:

Read more: Australia Day according to ChatGPT

Opinions and Philosophy

Frederick Sanger - a life well spent


I have reached a point in my life when the death of a valued colleague seems to be a monthly occurrence.  I remember my parents saying the same thing. 

We go thought phases.  First it is the arrival of adulthood when all one's friends are reaching 21 or 18, as the case may be.  Then they are all getting married.  Then the babies arrive.  Then it is our children's turn and we see them entering the same cycle.  And now the Grim Reaper appears regularly. 

As I have repeatedly affirmed elsewhere on this website, each of us has a profound impact on the future.  Often without our awareness or deliberate choice, we are by commission or omission, continuously taking actions that change our life's path and therefore the lives of others.  Thus our every decision has an impact on the very existence of those yet to be born. 

Read more: Frederick Sanger - a life well spent

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