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Carbon Sequestration and Storage is very likely a non-starter as a real solution to climate change and the implications of this for the Garnaut analysis and the CPRS are dire.

For the CPRS to have a real impact on carbon dioxide release, and consequent accelerated climate change, the existing NSW energy dependent economy must seriously contract.

In the absence of CCS and to avoid serious negative economic impacts, the original CPRS concept needs to be castrated by exempting (or issuing free allocations under the cap to them) the largest carbon users in the economy; effectively removing its constraints on carbon dioxide release particularly in the energy and trade exposed sectors.  This modified CPRS will discriminate against small-scale domestic industries and consumers, distorting the economy in unpredictable and, very likely, harmful ways.

A viable alternative is to immediately take steps to introduce nuclear electricity generation in NSW (and Australia).  This would obviate the need for a CPRS.

Richard McKie


[1] http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/minerals/resources/coal/coal-industry

[2] Not actually sequestration – this is generally viewed as CO2 generating.

[3]International Energy Agency (IEA) data – quoted in Wikipedia

[4] The atomic weight of carbon (C) is 12 and oxygen (O) 16 so: C + O2 → CO2 and: 12 + 32 → 44 or: 1 tonne → 3.667 tonnes. Different coals have considerable variability in ash (6.5% to 30%) and volatiles (half carbon by weight 20.8% to 37.9%) depending on grade and purpose. If we estimate the carbon content of NSW coal to average around 75% (local) and 90% (export) coal production that year equates to roughly 24.8 million tonnes of carbon burnt locally and 80 million tonnes exported in 2005-6.

[8] U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health



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The United Kingdom


In May and Early June 2013 we again spent some time in the UK on our way to Russia. First stop London. On the surface London seems quite like Australia. Walking about the streets; buying meals; travelling on public transport; staying in hotels; watching TV; going to a play; visiting friends; shopping; going to the movies in London seems mundane compared to travel to most other countries.  Signs are in English; most people speak a version of our language, depending on their region of origin. Electricity is the same and we drive on the same side or the street.  Bott Wendy and I have lived in London in previous lives, so it's like another home.

But look as you might, nowhere in Australia is really like London.

Read more: The United Kingdom

Fiction, Recollections & News

More on Technology and Evolution





Regular readers will know that I have an artificial heart valve.  Indeed many people have implanted prosthesis, from metal joints or tooth fillings to heart pacemakers and implanted cochlear hearing aides, or just eye glasses or dentures.   Some are kept alive by drugs.  All of these are ways in which our individual survival has become progressively more dependent on technology.  So that should it fail many would suffer.  Indeed some today feel bereft without their mobile phone that now substitutes for skills, like simple mathematics, that people once had to have themselves.  But while we may be increasingly transformed by tools and implants, the underlying genes, conferred by reproduction, remain human.

The possibility of accelerated genetic evolution through technology was brought nearer last week when, on 28 November 2018, a young scientist, He Jiankui, announced, at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong, that he had successfully used the powerful gene-editing tool CRISPR to edit a gene in several children.

Read more: More on Technology and Evolution

Opinions and Philosophy

The Carbon Tax

  2 July 2012



I’ve been following the debate on the Carbon Tax on this site since it began (try putting 'carbon' into the search box).

Now the tax is in place and soon its impact on our economy will become apparent.

There are two technical aims:

    1. to reduce the energy intensiveness of Australian businesses and households;
    2. to encourage the introduction of technology that is less carbon intensive.

Read more: The Carbon Tax

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