Just a schoolboy fantasy
At the end of her life Christine is said to have be estranged from her children from two marriages and to be reclusive. If true it's sad because if I could ever have been said to have had a crush on any young woman who I didn't actually know, it was on her.
That is, unless I count jealousy of that old bloke, film director Roger Vadim for his various young wives, including Brigitte Bardot, Jane Fonda and that Swedish bird in between. Of course that was not realistic. They were all a little too old for me at the time.
But Christine was close to my own age. Mandy Rice-Davies was even closer to my age.
My fantasies were of course just that. They would have eaten me alive.
I wished!
The chair has been made famous by these photographs. It now has pride of place in a contemporary exhibit at London's Victoria and Albert Museum.
Christine became morbidly overweight and was suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She died in London on 5 December 2017, aged 75.