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During the Covid period we had more than once watched a TV series called 'Escape to the Château' and having noticed that it was on the way to Chartres, our next overnight destination, we decided to stop for lunch.

Europe22 N France27

Martigné-sur-Mayenne is a rather non-descript village boasting a town square that occasionally appeared in the TV series.

Although it's 'sur' Mayenne, either the town or the river has moved a couple of kilometres. There is no river.

Similarly, the Château is a couple of km out in the countryside, to the north of the town. Nevertheless, the shopkeepers are used to providing directions and the Chemist even had a map.

Europe22 N France28

As watchers of the television series know, Château de la Motte-Husson, is owned by Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree who have made it into a profitable business and now just want to be left alone. Unless you are a paying guest please do not venture beyond the outer gates.

We might have 'glamped' for $650 per night but decided to go straight through to Chartres.

France Map5


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I first visited China in November 1986.  I was representing the New South Wales Government on a multinational mission to our Sister State Guangdong.  My photo taken for the trip is still in the State archive [click here].  The theme was regional and small business development.  The group heard presentations from Chinese bureaucrats and visited a number of factories in rural and industrial areas in Southern China.  It was clear then that China was developing at a very fast rate economically. 

Read more: China

Fiction, Recollections & News

On The Secret

There is an obvious sub-text to my short story: The Secret, that I wrote in 2015 after a trip to Russia. Silly things, we might come to believe in, like 'the law of attraction' are not harmless. 

The story is also a reflection on the difference between American and Australian stereotypes, that were evident from conversations on the cruise.

I lived in New York for some time and my eldest daughter was born there. I have visited the US fairly regularly since. It is, in many ways, the closest country to Australia that you will find, outside New Zealand.  So, I have often been surprised by how different it is in other ways to Australia, given the great similarities in the median standard of living, shared popular culture and immigrant demographics.

I have come to the conclusion that this stems from our different founding origins.

Read more: On The Secret

Opinions and Philosophy

Electricity Pricing


 August 2012 (chapters added since)






The present government interventions in electricity markets, intended to move the industry from coal to renewable energy sources, are responsible for most of the rapidly rising cost of electricity in Australia.  These interventions have introduced unanticipated distortions and inefficiencies in the way that electricity is delivered.

Industry experts point to looming problems in supply and even higher price increases.

A 'root and branch' review of these mechanisms is urgently required to prevent ever increasing prices and to prevent further potentially crippling distortions.

Read more: Electricity Pricing

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