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Asking ChatGPT the same question multiple times results in a set of similar facts presented in a different way each time.  Not all the relevant facts may be revealed in each different version, so repeating a question is probably essential to learn all that is available.  As ChatGPT provides an almost instantaneous result, this strategy can be overwhelming. The alternative is to ask carefully crafted questions by including key words. This assumes some prior knowledge of the subject.

In this case ChatGPT provides a well-formed essay with an introduction and a conclusion that can be accepted in total or rejected in favour of the next iteration.  

I also asked ChatGPT to write short stories, about two of our grandchildren at their request, based on very brief parameters (suburb; name; schoolboy/ schoolgirl; and age - in one case only). In each case the first attempt was an inappropriate match to the particular child (hair colour, interests) but by simply refreshing (taking 25 seconds each time) I soon accepted a very nice little (1000 word) short story for each.

The stories are descriptive and lack character development; concerning a key event in their life (presumably randomly chosen); but derive an outcome (a moral) and are quite interesting and readable.

On Australia Day, I asked ChatGPT about the date. The result was suitably bland and middle-of-the-road that it might have been written for a government brochure to recent migrants. See here...

While the neural network algorithm behind ChatGPT assembles well-used tropes and cliches, it does this in a structured way, grammatically and well, with exceptional speed.  Hack Journalists beware, your job is in jeopardy.


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Southern Africa



In April 2023 we took a package tour to South Africa with our friends Craig and Sonia. We flew via Singapore to Cape Town.


Cape Town is the country's legislative capital and location of the South African Parliament.
It's long been renowned for Table Mountain, that dominates the city.

Read more: Southern Africa

Fiction, Recollections & News




Jordan Baker and Jeff Purser were married on Saturday 3rd of December 2011. The ceremony took place on the cliff top at Clovelly.

Read more: Wedding

Opinions and Philosophy

The Fukushima Nuclear Crisis



Japan has 55 nuclear reactors at 19 sites.  Two more are under construction and another twelve are in the advanced planning stage.  Net Generating capacity is around 50 GW providing around 30% of the country's electricity (more here).  

As a result of Japan’s largest earthquake in history on March 11 and subsequent tsunami all reactors shut down automatically as they were designed to do but cooling systems associated with two sites had been damaged. 

Three reactor sites are adjacent to the earthquake epicentre and two were in the direct path of the tsunami.  The Fukushima-Daiichi plant belonging to Tokyo Electric Power Company was particularly hard hit.  It lost all grid connections, providing electricity, and its backup power plant was seriously damaged. 

Read more: The Fukushima Nuclear Crisis

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