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The Manhattan Project stands as one of the most monumental scientific endeavors in human history, forever altering the course of warfare and shaping the trajectory of global geopolitics. This top-secret research and development project, conducted during World War II, culminated in the creation of the world's first atomic bombs.

The seeds of the Manhattan Project were sown in 1938 when German physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered nuclear fission — a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing an immense amount of energy.  This groundbreaking revelation opened the door to the possibility of tapping into this energy. 

As political tensions escalated in the late 1930s, concerns over the possibility of Nazi Germany developing atomic weapons prompted a sense of urgency among Allied powers.

The German atomic bomb project officially began in 1939, with the outbreak of World War II. Heisenberg, a Nobel laureate in physics, took a leading role in coordinating Germany's nuclear research efforts. One of the major obstacles for the German project was the scarcity of resources, both human and material. Germany was engaged in a total war effort, and resources were stretched thin across various military and industrial priorities. Additionally, the emigration of several prominent Jewish scientists, including Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard, who had made significant contributions to nuclear physics, further hindered Germany's nuclear capabilities. Despite these challenges, German scientists made significant strides in nuclear research during the war. Notably, the German physicist Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker developed theoretical models for atomic bomb designs.

In 1939, fearing that Nazi Germany might develop atomic weapons, Szilard drafted the Einstein-Szilard letter, which Einstein signed and sent to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This letter urged the United States to accelerate its own atomic weapons research, leading to the establishment of the Manhattan Project.

To conceal the true nature of the research from the Axis powers the project was named after Manhattan Engineering District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which oversaw its development. Major General Leslie R. Groves was appointed as the military director of the project, while the scientific aspects were led by J. Robert Oppenheimer, a leading physicist.

Leo Szilard, a Hungarian-American physicist and inventor, stands as a testament to the power of intellect and the profound impact that a single individual can have on the course of science and history. Born on February 11, 1898, in Budapest, Hungary, Szilard emerged as a pivotal figure in the development of nuclear physics, the conceptualization of atomic weapons, and the advocacy for responsible scientific engagement during a critical period in the 20th century.

Szilard's early life was marked by a keen interest in science and a voracious appetite for knowledge. He demonstrated exceptional intelligence from a young age, earning a degree in engineering from the Budapest Institute of Technology at the age of 20. However, it was his move to the Technische Hochschule in Berlin, in the early 1920s , where he studied engineering. Here, a passion for physics led Szilard to shift his focus. He earned his doctorate in physics in 1922.

One of Szilard's earliest contributions to science was his work on the development of the Einstein refrigerator, a groundbreaking invention that aimed to provide a safer and more efficient alternative to existing refrigeration technologies.

My comment: while this method of refrigeration is largely replaced by the Siemens cycle, it still finds application in off-grid situations in gas and kerosene refrigerators. 

We had one when I was a child "I remember the night when our somewhat ancient electric refrigerator failed and we had to evacuate the house because the refrigerant used was sulphur dioxide.  After that we got a gas refrigerator that employed the ammonia absorption cycle (partially accredited to Albert Einstein) and gave my brother and me an immediate physics lesson.  How can a gas flame result in a freezing ice compartment? “Well, pull it out and look at the back – this bit is like a still; and this bit...”" in the Article  'Getting About'  on this website


In Berlin, Szilard found himself in the midst of a scientific renaissance. The city was a hub of intellectual activity, attracting some of the brightest minds in physics, including Max Planck and Albert Einstein. Szilard, too, became deeply immersed in the world of theoretical physics.

One of Szilard's most significant contributions to science was his conceptualization of the nuclear chain reaction in 1933. Recognizing the potential for harnessing the immense energy released during a self-sustaining chain reaction, Szilard envisioned the possibility of both controlled energy production and destructive weapons. This concept laid the foundation for the development of nuclear reactors and atomic bombs, making Szilard a pivotal figure in the history of nuclear physics.

Despite his instrumental role in launching the project, Szilard grew increasingly uneasy about the military applications of atomic energy. His ethical concerns deepened as the war progressed, and it became evident that the atomic bomb was being developed not only as a deterrent but also as a means of securing military advantage. Szilard, along with other scientists like J. Robert Oppenheimer, voiced their ethical qualms and urged for international control of atomic energy to prevent a nuclear arms race.

Beyond his contributions to nuclear physics and arms control, Szilard's intellect and creativity extended to other scientific and technological domains. In 1928, he patented the idea of the electron microscope, a groundbreaking invention that would revolutionize the field of microscopy. Szilard also made significant contributions to molecular biology, paving the way for advancements in genetics and biophysics.

My comment: I've referred to the importance of the electron microscope elsewhere - without it and the new knowledge it revealed, we would know very little about viruses and would not have been able to create the vaccines that kept us healthy during the recent Covid pandemic - I had my seventh Covid-19 booster yesterday and, as yet, have not had the virus, despite numerous exposures.

As I wrote in Love in the time of Coronavirus on this website:

"[ historically] viral diseases remained a mystery. That some 'germ' was responsible could be inferred but none could be seen. This was still the case in 1920 and on line you can still see photographs of the bacteria some thought to be responsible. The trouble was that bacteria, while microscopically small, are quite large independent cellular entities, much bigger and more complex than a virus.  A typical virus particle, or virion, is spherical or ellipsoid less than 120 nanometres in diameter, less than a 50th of the size of e-coli.  

Not until the invention of the electron microscope by German physicists, between the wars, was a virus first photographed in 1935. But how virions worked was still a mystery. It was not until 1955, when I was in Primary School, that Rosalind Franklin elucidated the full structure of the tobacco mosaic virus, following the discovery of the structure of DNA that her work had helped with two years earlier. Thus the role of the encapsulated RNA in its function in the replication of viruses was revealed...

So, almost all we know about viruses has been discovered in my lifetime.  When I was at University electron microscopes were still exceptional machines requiring their own dedicated room in a building, comparable to the mainframe computer.  Now you can pick up a second hand one, that's a lot more sophisticated than those in my day, for the price of an upmarket car. So we now know that a virion consists of nucleic acid contained within an outer shell of protein the shape and binding function of which is encoded for by the RNA or DNA payload contained within.

The knowledge we have gained by the advance of science in less than a hundred years has facilitated the production of effective and safe vaccines for a wide range of known viruses affecting humans most notably: measles; mumps; rubella; diphtheria; tetanus; pertussis and polio against which sensible parents immunise their children and themselves.  In addition, most of us get immunised annually against seasonal influenza, like H1N1 and other flue types.

Suddenly this recent understanding and capability is being put to the test. As happened in 1918, we are again facing a newly evolved and particularly aggressive virus, against which we have no residual immunity."


Szilard soon grew disillusioned with the project's military objectives. He became an outspoken critic of the use of atomic bombs against civilian populations, particularly after witnessing the devastating bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. His ethical concerns about the use of nuclear weapons led him to advocate for international control and regulation of atomic energy.

In the post-war era, Szilard continued to be a vocal advocate for responsible scientific research and international cooperation. He played a key role in the establishment of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and the Doomsday Clock, which symbolically represents the risk of global catastrophe. Szilard's efforts were aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of nuclear weapons and urging nations to work together to prevent their proliferation.

Szilard's life was characterized by a complex interplay of scientific innovation and ethical reflection. His foresight regarding the potential dangers of nuclear weapons demonstrated a moral compass that set him apart from many of his contemporaries. Szilard believed that scientists had a responsibility not only to advance knowledge but also to consider the ethical implications of their discoveries.

Despite his profound impact on science and history, Szilard's legacy remains somewhat overshadowed by other figures from the Manhattan Project. He was not awarded the Nobel Prize, and his contributions to the development of nuclear weapons were often downplayed. However, in recent years, there has been a growing recognition of Szilard's significance, with historians and scientists acknowledging his pivotal role in shaping the course of 20th-century science.  Leo Szilard passed away on May 30, 1964.

My comment: In the movie 'Oppenheimer' Szilard is seen organising a petition, among the Manhattan Project staff, against dropping the bomb on Japan. The goal of the project: to beat the Nazis to the bomb, had been achieved. Germany had now surrendered. The US should stage a non-lethal, yet spectacular, demonstration.

The Manhattan Project brought together an unparalleled assembly of scientific minds, including luminaries such as J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, and Niels Bohr. Oppenheimer, appointed as the scientific director, played a pivotal role in coordinating the diverse talents and disciplines required for the project's success. 

One of the key milestones of the Manhattan Project was the successful construction and testing of the first nuclear reactor, known as the Chicago Pile-1, on December 2, 1942. This marked a critical step in demonstrating the feasibility of controlled nuclear reactions and paved the way for the production of fissile materials on an industrial scale. As the project progressed, multiple research sites emerged, each focusing on specific aspects of nuclear weapons development.

My comment: Szilard was a key contributor to the Chicago Pile experiment but his subsequent 'pacifist - left-wing' views' had him written out of the history for a period, in favour of Fermi, who led the Chicago team.

One of the key achievements of the Manhattan Project was the successful construction of two distinct types of atomic bombs. Two distinct approaches were pursued simultaneously – the uranium-235 gun-type design and the plutonium implosion design.

The uranium-235 design utilized a simple mechanism where two sub-critical masses of uranium-235 would be brought together rapidly to form a supercritical mass, initiating a chain reaction and resulting in a nuclear explosion. The alternative plutonium implosion design involved compressing a sub-critical mass of plutonium using conventional explosives, achieving the critical mass necessary for a nuclear detonation.

Scientists faced numerous technical challenges, including the need to enrich uranium-235 and produce plutonium-239, both essential materials for building atomic bombs. The project required the construction of vast facilities, such as the Hanford Site in Washington for plutonium production and the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee for uranium enrichment.

The Hanford Site, located in southeastern Washington State, holds a significant place in the history of the United States due to its role in the development of nuclear weapons during World War II and the subsequent Cold War era. Spanning over 500 square miles along the Columbia River, the Hanford Site was established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project, a top-secret initiative aimed at building the atomic bomb.

Initially chosen for its remote location and proximity to the Columbia River, which could provide the necessary water for cooling reactors, the Hanford Site became a key production facility for plutonium-239, a crucial component of early nuclear weapons. The site housed nine nuclear reactors, including the world's first full-scale plutonium production reactor, the B Reactor. The B Reactor, now a National Historic Landmark, played a pivotal role in producing plutonium for the "Fat Man" bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945, leading to the end of World War II.


The Trinity Test

The culmination of the Manhattan Project came on July 16, 1945, with the Trinity Test, the first successful detonation of an atomic bomb. Conducted in the New Mexico desert, the test confirmed the viability of the implosion design and marked a critical step towards the deployment of atomic weapons.

The awe-inspiring power unleashed by the explosion confirmed the viability of the Manhattan Project's objectives and signaled the beginning of a new era in warfare.

The uranium bomb, codenamed "Little Boy," was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The plutonium bomb, codenamed "Fat Man," was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The devastating bombings remain among the most controversial events in human history. The bombings resulted in unprecedented destruction and loss of life, prompting Japan's surrender and bringing an end to World War II. The decision to use atomic bombs remains one of the most controversial in history, with proponents arguing that it hastened the war's conclusion, while critics assert that it was unnecessary and morally reprehensible.

These bombings marked the first and only instances of the use of nuclear weapons in warfare.  The use of atomic bombs on civilian populations led to ethical debates that continue to resonate today.

Legacy and Consequences

The Manhattan Project's legacy extends far beyond the immediate conclusion of World War II. The project marked the beginning of the nuclear age, sparking the Cold War arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. The proliferation of nuclear weapons became a significant global concern, leading to the establishment of international treaties aimed at preventing the spread of atomic technology.

The scientific advancements made during the Manhattan Project laid the groundwork for peaceful applications of nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants, medical treatments, and scientific research all benefited from the knowledge gained during those intense wartime years. However, the shadow of nuclear weapons and the specter of mutually assured destruction loomed large throughout the Cold War, casting a lasting impact on international relations.


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Fiction, Recollections & News

The U-2 Incident




In 1960 the Russians shot down an American U-2 spy plane that was overflying and photographing their military bases.  The U-2 Incident was big news when I was in High School and I remember it quite clearly. 

The Incident forms the background to Bridge of Spies a 2015 movie, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance from a screenplay written by Matt Charman together with Ethan and Joel Coen that centres on these true events. 

Spielberg and the Cohen Brothers.  Who could miss it?



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Opinions and Philosophy

Tragedy in Norway



The extraordinary tragedy in Norway points yet again to the dangers of extremism in any religion. 

I find it hard to comprehend that anyone can hold their religious beliefs so strongly that they are driven to carefully plan then systematically kill others.  Yet it seems to happen all to often.

The Norwegian murderer, Anders Behring Breivik, reportedly quotes Sydney's Cardinal Pell, John Howard and Peter Costello in his manifesto.   Breivik apparently sees himself as a Christian Knight on a renewed Crusade to stem the influx of Muslims to Europe; and to Norway in particular.

Read more: Tragedy in Norway

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